M Bussonnier

Results 347 issues of M Bussonnier

Nitpicking but when inertia-scrolling you can get some white at the top of the page (or bottom). You can have a "cleaner" website by setting the background color as being...


Is there a readthedocs page that (at least) demo the theme ? Or a GitHub Pages Page ? Should we (at least) grab the name ?

Currently if a code cell has a missing id, it will silently add one to it. This is problematic for a few reasons. 1) it mutates arguments. 2) it is...

So that you can point user directly to a notebook. Thoughts ?

It mixes deploying with buildpacks and docker. Flyctl launch will create a docker file in CWD which 1) is wrong and try to run demo.wgi, and call manage.py that does...



Why: - memorable - [shiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93lrosBEW-Q) ![7fc5fb25eef5cf7ca56aa19343cf622e](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/335567/26940455-90634daa-4c2f-11e7-890a-6274aaac78de.jpg) Why not: - Confusion with [sparklyr](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sparklyr/index.html) Thoughts ?

- [ ] https://github.com/unpingco/Python-for-Probability-Statistics-and-Machine-Learning - [ ] Andreas mueler - [ ] sarah guido ... - [ ] jake vdp book. - [ ] elegant SciPy @ellisonbg can you provide...
