This is not what i wanted to say. IMHO it is just not very smart for a plugin to overwrite a default vim command with something completely different. I would...
I do have the `mapleader` defined (`let mapleader="\"`). Maybe this is the problem. If I set the `mapleader` to something else it works. Just a guess: Maybe your way of...
Okay with `let mapleader=" "` I can fix my problem without changing the behaviour of vim. So maybe there is a problem with either the escape sequence or with the...
I don't know what your commands with `let b:fortran_compile = get(...` are doing exactly, but if I change them to be simply `let b:fortran_compile = "cc"` etc. it works with...
Quick update: I tried to compile a project which uses `stdlib` via `fpm` dependency with `nvfortran 22.3`. Disclaimer: *tested* means it compiles, I cannot test correctness until I fixed every...
I will try to collect some more errors, update my comment and then report them.
I've posted my problems in the nvidia forum: It's currently hidden, because I used two links in one post, which has triggered the spam filter. :roll_eyes:
> In practice I would prefer to implement this as two functions to avoid an `if` for the optional argument check (even if a smart compiler might be able to...
> What module would this belong to? It could go into the same submodule as `gcd` e.g. `stdlib_math_basic` or if there are more routines like `incr` and `decr` in a...
You might be right about the `+=`. And for `i = i+1` there is no real benefit. But imagine you want to increment e.g. `adjoint%radicals(domain%grid(i):domain%grid(i+1))`.