Can you explain a little bit more? Becuase a skybox offen use large texture such as 512x512, 1024x1024 or even 2048x2048 and I dont see why you would pack them...
Yeah, thats true. Im going to see what I can do. However I have already support for images like this: as long as it looks like a flag, you...
Awesome! I try to bake it in my terrain manager. I googled libgdx heighmap and there are a height map test that might be useful. However we need to get...
I forgot to ask, how does this render? Isn't it easier to build a model class from the vertices and them just create a model instance? :)
This looks great! Im home from work in about 2/3h and have a lot of time to fix this. cant wait hehe. Have you used BtHeightFieldTerrainShape and know how it...
What I see there are two options: 1. get heightmapshape working 2. Use the generetaed Model and creating a mesh collision on it Im going to go with #2 first...
Alright! So Im thinking That you have a Terrain manager that is responsible for all terrain related stuff. Terrain Manager can created TerrainChunks/GroundChunks (depending on the name) for you by...
What happend? I synced the project and now I get 30fps from 60?
We will help :) And it will be totally worth it!
I agree! I have time tomorrow to work on the engine. Finishing terrain class. Nice work on billboard! Is it possible to change the UV coordinates to a texture regions...