Captain Karma
Captain Karma
Hi, Just to help some people out, to fix these errors you want to add this into your .htaccess file. Please read up on the Content-Security-Policy as you will need...
Hi, You have two options already built in the framework; First Option ======== Redirect::to("admin/login"); exit(); // View->render('admin/login'); exit(); //
I'm wondering if you meant AND.. (Session::userIsLoggedIn() && Session::get("user_account_type") == 7) So is the user logged in AND they are admin At the moment you have an OR statement (Session::userIsLoggedIn()...
For Question Two... The controller as part of building the page will run the public function __construct everytime, so whatever is in the Auth::checkAdminAuthentication function will run each page load....
Have you tried imap_port: 587 ?
Could you expand on this please? I have it on my Samsung A50 and when I start the app, it ticks up the songs etc loading 40k tracks in about...
Brilliant thank you for the great app!
Hi, is there any update on this? It takes so long to rebuild each time