
Results 25 comments of CaptainJeff

Same issue @prince-housing did you figure anything out?

@ghashi i'm having the same issue. Have you made any progress here?

Same here! Anyone find a solution?

@stephichau nope! Unfortunately still looking for a solution

@phatlaunchdeck yeah same exact issue for us. It doesn't seem like other apps have this issue though. My theory has been that there was something weird going on with the...

@lychankinh its not a bug with this version check project though. Its an issue with the google store cache. This check is right that there is an update but the...

@dabakovich Interesting. Thanks for your insight here. Two followup questions 1) I'm not familiar with the process of being able to download an apk from the application. Do you have...

@dabakovich Amazing. Thanks for your response. I'll report back if I have success with these approaches

@ou2s Just to confirm. You are saying you fixed the issue by using `[RNSplashScreen showSplash:@"LaunchScreen" inRootView:rootView];` Instead of `[RNSplashScreen show]` Or did you use something else IE `showSplash:inRootView:`