Ron M. Battle
Ron M. Battle
Recommend LilyGO/TTGO do a **_pull request_** on to merge an entry LORA-ESP32-OLED to **_boards.txt_** and add a folder to **_variants_** so these boards can be used in **_Arduino_**. They...
The Particle Community Libraries list your name but actually link to mpechner/Adafruit_SSD1306 on github so `404 error` is generated.
Getting compile error in platformio with SensESP v3 in file **_analog_reader.h_** when using ESP32-S2 and S3 variants: **_pio/libdeps/adafruit_qtpy_esp32s3_n4r2/SensESP/src/sensesp/sensors/analog_reader.h:28:30: error: 'ADC_ATTEN_DB_12' was not declared in this scope adc_atten_t attenuation_ = ADC_ATTEN_DB_12;...