So this allows all letters allowed by %a in lua scripting, but also allows any unicode characters above 0x0370 except for some whitespace characters and dashes. Very versatile and still...
If you're busy I could provide a fairly exhaustive list of test cases. Anything I can do to help u add this to the project?
Did some rigorous testing on it, found one flaw. Generated 2000 clues that should work and they did. Generated 5000 clues that shouldn't work and they didn't. This is ready.
This would be good to add pretty soon since you have so many foreign decks. Right now the characters it allows in clues is fairly arbitrary. If the character's code...
Here are 2 [near legit clues(but not legit).txt]( [legit clues.txt]( files you can copy and paste from. They each were randomly generated and filtered by the regular expression `^\s*\a+(-\a+)?(\s*-?\s*\d+|\s*(-|\s)\s*inf)\s*$` So...
Here are the submitted changes to the code.