
Results 12 issues of Camill

Hello, I found a similar topic here on 'Issues' but in my opinion the problem is not solved yet. I try to hide blue circle which appears when address in...

Hi, in some particular case when I change tabs in my app the leaflet map disappears (to be more precise - instead of the map I see just gray canvas)....

Hello, the problem is described with details on SO (including reproducible example), here: Basically, I'm using `reactable` along with `leaflet` and `crosstalk` to show data on a map when...

Hi, I want to make a list of messages and put it in a dropdown list programatically. `dropdownMenu` has a `.list` argument which is supposed to serve such mechanism. I...


Hello, I have a question regarding current status of displaying rows in concise manner. It's best described here: #147 It would be extremely useful not only for me I guess...


Hi, I'm trying to return value from selected row. All works fine as far as I'm working with table without expandable rows. I'm nesting table in each row of main...

Hello, I'm using `reactable` to make a table in my shiny app. I added search bar to a table but it only works for main rows of that table. In...

Hello, I created `e_scatter` chart which is dynamically changing based on user choice in dropdown input. The issue is that when I 'deselect all' choices in dropdown list then chart...

help wanted

Hello, I'm struggling with changing color text on a chart, to be precise - on a pie chart. I tried different ways of doing it. For example , when I...

Hello, I would like to manually draw a polygon on a map. I've been searching for such an option in `mapboxer` but couldn't find. I would also like to manually...