
Results 21 issues of Porter

# Description As a user, I want to see a component that allows me to enter all of my education to be put on my Resume ### Acceptance Criteria -...


# Description As a user, I want to see a mobile-sized component with a title and two paragraphs. A dropdown option to select the file type, a download resume button,...


**Describe the bug** Currently we are experiencing build failures due to outdated dependencies. A temp fix has been put into place, but a more permanent solution is what we are...


**Describe the bug** Currently we are experiencing build failures due to outdated dependencies. A temp fix has been put into place, but a more permanent solution is what we are...


**Describe the bug** As a user I would like un-congested headers and uniformity. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to the Code of Conduct page 2. Can...

good first issue

Find static images and replace the url with the url for the same image in the VWC cloudinary account.

Implement filters and search functionality to allow users to easily find media mentions and podcasts by date, type (media or podcast), and keywords. Can look at the blog as a...

As a customer, I want to see a media card that interests and captivates me, something that entices me to look further at the content. Parent Issue: #549

Utilizing team resources such as @ayumi-b and @jeromehardaway, acquire the necessary information to add content for the media page. Parent Issue: #549

Create a media page hosting all VetsWhoCode and Jerome Hardaway media content. ie.) Podcasts, interviews, etc. Parent Issue: #549