Calvin Wilkinson

Results 32 comments of Calvin Wilkinson

> Deep apologies for the disruption and thas for the reports folks. Keep the links coming where possible. > > until I’m able to get a deeper understanding of the...

I confirm as well that this is working. I will be patiently waiting for a fix. - KinsonDigital/CASL#7 Thanks @softprops!!

Thanks for the update @softprops!! You did a great job and got a fix out quickly in my mind. Don't stress about it. 🙂 Thank you so much for looking...

Just to make sure I am understanding though, I was using v1. But your saying that the fix is on v0.1.9? Which version should I use? Sorry for any confusion...

I am not sure if you are using semantic versioning, but that is the route I take and it is fantastic. This means in regards to testing/non production ready builds,...

I myself actually started getting this exact same thing this morning with no changes to how I was using this action.

Here is an issue that I have created on my side of things for reference. - KinsonDigital/Velaptor#152

Quick Update. It was not obvious to me that the name of the job itself is the name of the label that you are dealing with. I read the documentation...

> Hacky fix which works for me, basically the manual version of #8135 until there's a release containing that: > > * Download System.Memory NuGet package version 4.5.5 > *...

@jskeet I am using it as a dotnet tool which works great, but because I am building and publishing the docfx site using GitHub actions. How are you using it?