Hello, Anpei When I runs“ python -i ./images -o ./results” It said "" is not exist. How I can get this file?
Eigen is already installed. Environment variable was set as: EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/eigen3/Eigen What happen ?= = running install running bdist_egg running egg_info writing src/pymagsac.egg-info/PKG-INFO writing dependency_links to src/pymagsac.egg-info/dependency_links.txt writing top-level names to...
Hi, Thanks for any suggestions. The largest resolution that could be used for training is 512 × 512 with ~76G memory cost. I set the enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention to True but nothing...
你好,我根据readme提供的路径下载了APE-D模型与配置文件 运行脚本如下: `python demo/ \ --config-file configs/LVISCOCOCOCOSTUFF_O365_OID_VGR_SA1B_REFCOCO_GQA_PhraseCut_Flickr30k/ape_deta/ \ --input "./inputs/imgs_0083_339B1005-33B9-4e3c-B4A8-2D7EC23720C4_raw.jpg" \ --output "./seg_results" \ --confidence-threshold 0.1 \ --text-prompt 'car' \ --with-box \ --with-mask \ --with-sseg \ --opts \ train.init_checkpoint="./checkpoints/APE-D/model_final.pth" \...