Piotr Karasiński

Results 5 issues of Piotr Karasiński

Hi. I tried to clone your repo to see how the sample app works, but it seems you didn't adjust it to changes in the other library projects (e.g. methods...

I'm using the `ThrottlingMiddleware` in OWIN pipeline. I need to log requests rejected when quota is exceeded. Since I have my own separate logging middleware preceding the `ThrottlingMiddleware` in the...

in ThrottlingMiddleware. This addresses issue http://github.com/stefanprodan/WebApiThrottle/issues/50

I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that in your examples you're assuming that `photo` alias has been set for Synology Photos in Control Panel -> Login Portal...

Hello! Regular `Seq` contains simple convenience functions `head` and `tail`. I implemented those for `AsyncSeq`, maybe they could be added? Thanks.