Calder Daenzer
Calder Daenzer
As of RN 0.59.0 you can increase the heap using NODE_ARGS by modifying `xcode -> project -> build phases -> Bundle React Native code and images -> shell` to: ```...
@olivergeorge Try doing both this fix and the patch - the 208 fix solves a problem that would occur with either prod-build or advanced-build - the 203 fix...
@NuclearKev There are many ways that the app name can fail to be registered, but if `lein prod-build` worked, and `lein advanced-build` didn't, lack of externs could very well be...
May be the same as the advanced-build issue As mentioned there, the patch in does not solve the problem.
This is resolved by removing the ignores that were recently added to .babelrc. So the entire .babelrc should be: ``` { "presets": [ "module:metro-react-native-babel-preset" ] } ``` If someone wants...
@StankovicMarko Just retried (node v9.8.0, npm v5.6.0, xcode v10.2) and it worked fine for me. Sorry. Here were the steps: Install: ``` re-natal init testapp -i reagent6 cd testapp ```...