
Results 5 issues of Sola丶小克

### Description When yaml include | mark for multiline assignment, the line number is not correctly ### Example Code ``` ryml::Parser parser; ryml::Tree tree = parser.parse_in_arena("source.yml", R"(Body: - Id: 1...

Hello @MStr3am NEMO is an very nice project. I want to translat NEMO into chinese. Are you interested in?

In Progress

Hi @MStr3am Ragnarok Client may limit the friends list size in 40. Can you make a patch for adjust it? Thank you XD ![qq20160526-0](

@MStr3am Hi i try to extract msgstringtable.txt for 20130807,20150513,20151029 client, but the result seems error. can you check this? ![notepad2](

Bug Report
Need Input

我想考虑配一台机器来跑一下,不过出于预算原因,考虑用两张 nvidia 芯片的显卡,单张显存20G左右。 我的疑问是:是否通常这些大模型项目(以及咱这个项目)都能够比较好的支持利用多显卡的显存? 是否有一些硬件条件具备的朋友曾经尝试过,盼望您能给个过来人的建议?