
Results 9 comments of Cahier

在jedate.js 第796行添加代码 ` if(type == "mprev"){ that.storeData(exarr[0],exarr[1]); } else{ that.storeData(exarr[1],exarr[0]); }` 若找不到请搜索 monthBtn 方法 ![QQ截图20191111163501](

> > 代码看起来没什么问题,我暂时没有linux系统用来测试 > > 嗷嗷好的,我是看您这个应用在统信UOS的应用商店上架了,同样是electron写的,就下来下来观察了下效果发现也有这个问题,就想问下您对这个问题有没有什么头绪。迅雷的linux版好像也是electron写的,好像解决了这个问题,给迅雷论坛发帖和提工单想问下咋解决的还没人回复。网易云 音乐官方的linux版效果适配的相当完美,但是看应用文件目录可能不是electron实现的。 解决了吗

create_window add vibrancy boolean when vibrancy set True and transparent set True, html page background-color set transparent, will show vibrancy effect ![image](

> I am vary about adding platform specific features to the general API. Have you investigated whether it is possible to implement this feature for other platforms? This is a...

> Do you have any examples of macOS apps that would implement this feature? While I can see the need for something like this, I am rather conservative about adding...

> I had the same issue and I was using the virtualenv module. I deleted the venv and then set it up again but with "python3 -m venv venv" and...

尝试挂 vpn 试下呢,可能这个域名把中国 ip 给禁止了

确保能访问 不行可以换另外一个地址 `${zoom}/${tile[0]}/${tile[1]}.json` 同样也要确保能访问

> 请问这个报错是啥问题,报错如下: > (node:6676) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './dist/shp/' > (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) > (node:6676) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled...