Florian Kowarsch
Florian Kowarsch
When using a "Current user is (not) member of group"-Rule no condition is saved in export JSON. Rule in DevOps:  Rule in exported JSON-File: ``` { "id": "2e9c6ee1-9e10-46d2-8e49-49132d8e5c41", "friendlyName":...
I added UMAP to CytoFlow. This Pull Request contains three major adaptations: - BulkConditionOp - Allows adding multiple conditions to an experiment at once. Source is either a pandas.Dataframe or...
Since fcsparser included the adaptation to support multi tube files (https://github.com/eyurtsev/fcsparser/commit/9ca4e32ee491f6ce2c6cb67a257c1095b5100387). It's possible to switch back using the original fcsparser package instead of a submodule. This PR include the following...