Results 11 comments of CYCHEN97


@qzhuyan William Yang EMQX5.0.3

@qzhuyan William Yang When I subscribed with 200 clients, it was easy to drop calls. When I subscribed with 100 clients, the subscribers did not drop calls. In the test,...


What can I do to resolve connection congested?

@jason-mao @krzychb @HengYongChao @tuanpmt @espressif-zhanghu @ahhfzhang @ahhfzhang

@jason-mao webserver中跟以前idf一样获取嵌入的html文件 ``` //发送HTTP响应和运行时生成的html static esp_err_t http_resp_dir_html(httpd_req_t *req) { /* 获取嵌入式文件 */ extern const unsigned char WIFI_Config_Script_start[] asm("_binary_WIFI_Config_Script_html_start"); extern const unsigned char WIFI_Config_Script_end[] asm("_binary_WIFI_Config_Script_html_end"); const size_t WIFI_Config_Script_size = (WIFI_Config_Script_end -...

@jason-mao 麻烦帮忙看一下,谢谢大佬