Christian Schulz

Results 59 comments of Christian Schulz

Deployment worked fine with your snapshot, but it seems that there is something else wrong now: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error launching test at Got 405 (Method Not Allowed) Perhaps some compatibiity...

Even after #32171 was merged there is no possibility to add some own custom elements. Before Ivy it was possible to inject some own ElementSchemaRegistry via the COMPILER_OPTIONS to check...

As far as I have analyzed it, the value is saved but it always shows the default value.

@jwg4 Do you know which features are missing?

Hello, perhaps it is possible for you to deliver an "extension point", which allows generic description of the expected format on the other side. I haven't checked if it is...

To the question of the issue creator, at the moment it is not possible to post some stage names to GitLab:

Oh I read the discussion and forget about it. 😄 So we have to provide an own merge request or wait for someone else doing it. After it the feature...

At the moment the factory uses the **validator.translation_domain** translation domain, which is given by Symfony with value **validators**. You have different options at the moment: - Extend this bundle and...

I had a similar one and found the issue with debugging the javascript in my "constraints". Can you add your form?