Results 54 issues of CSSEGISandData

All, We published a large spike to our death totals for Iceland yesterday. This was due to the [source](https://www.covid.is/data) reconfiguring their "Number of COVID-19 related deaths by age" to include...


Hello all, In the updates to their dashboard made on [February 22, 2023](https://dhhr.wv.gov/News/2023/Pages/COVID-19-Weekly-Update-2-22-2023.aspx), the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources removed cumulative county-level COVID-19 cases and deaths from...


All, The [WHO COVID-19 dashboard](https://covid19.who.int) has indicated that they will be moving their reporting frequency to once per week on Wednesdays. We expect this to impact the daily case and...


The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (_inclusive of this repository_) will cease its data collection and reporting efforts on March 10, 2023. Following consistent declines in public reporting of pandemic...


Announcement #6543 documented that the World Health Organization is receiving updated COVID-19 case totals from the People’s Republic of China National Health Commission (NHC) that are not being provided publicly....


Hello all, On [December 25](http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqtb/202212/7272431ee60c4f4d953b0c16257c230e.shtml), the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China posted an announcement that translates to the following when using Google Translate: `From now on,...


Please see below for a list of states that failed to update on Monday, Jan 16, 2023 on account of the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday: California Maryland Missouri...


Hello all, Vermont has not reported any COVID-19 deaths since December 21. In this evening's commit, we will observe an increase in deaths in Vermont equal to 11% of their...


Hello all, Since April 4 2022, our reporting for the US State of Indiana was sourced from the state health department's [Tableau dashboard](https://datavizpublic.in.gov/views/GEN_COVID_19_MAIN/Deaths?%3Aembed=y&%3AshowVizHome=no&%3Ahost_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdatavizpublic.in.gov%2F&%3Aembed_code_version=3&%3Atabs=no&%3Atoolbar=no&%3AshowAppBanner=false&%3Adisplay_spinner=no&%3AloadOrderID=0). Unfortunately, this dashboard was retired on December...


Hello all, On January 1, 2023, the Netherlands' RIVM ceased reporting COVID-19 deaths ([source](https://data.overheid.nl/dataset/11634-covid-19-karakteristieken-per-casus-landelijk)). This change eliminates our ability to collect subnational deaths for the Netherlands. Moving forward, our subnational...
