
Results 12 issues of CS-Jackson

I reduce the default learning rate to 1e-3. During training, it still start with 1e-2. Any suggestions?


During inference, I notice that you first resize the picture as input, but the annotations used in counting mAP doesn't change, is it right, or do I miss something?

I can't download the trained model from google driver. Can you share the model on baiduyun?


I tried the `python test.py --weights_path weights/yolov3.weights`, but get mAp: 0.409

I download the dataset produced in #5 ,and try to reproduce the result showed in README. However, the train accuracy stuck in 0. Can you give me some details about...

Did you use the same setting with the pretrained Xception39?

What's the different between MAdd and the GFlops which are showed in the output? I look at the ResNet paper and found that the MAdd is equal to the GFLOPs....

In your script, the parameter 'momentum' in Batchnorm2d has been set to 0.0003(default=0.1). Do you use it during training, or just for inference?