Results 4 issues of CPCTC

When an icon overlaps the scroll bar, the scroll bar gets a little messed up when the icon gets highlighted. The best way to reproduce this is to start xlunch...

Consider the following configuration: ``` {1,2} echo {1,2} pressed @{1,2} echo {1,2} released ``` Next, consider this combination of inputs (as reported by `xev`, without sxhkd running): ``` KeyPress event,...

Code: ```ml (* foo.ml *) module type T = sig type _ t = None: unit t end (* bar.ml *) module type T = [%import: (module Foo.T)] ``` Result:...

The documentation says: > For module types, the replacements are specified using the standard `with` construct. Does that mean, like this? ```ml (* a.ml *) module type T = sig...