Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas
@eddy-ilg I am getting the same issue - "ResampleLayer cannot do backward" did you figure it out?
Can you explain what you mean by kernel restarting error? Many others have used the prototxt files provided without any error? Can you please post the error you get when...
Hello, I do not see any attached image. Any line beginning with # means it is commented out and has no effect so #pad is just commented out. It has...
Hello, I still don't see anything. Maybe try posting it directly to github instead of e-mailing or try uploading it to some site like imgur or photobucket and send me...
Hello, I will look at this this afternoon. One thought. How are you initializing the weights for the resnet? You should initialize from a pretrained model. If you aren't initializing,...
Hello, For the "kernel died" error, I am not sure what your problem is. I assume you have a GPU on your machine? Right now the is trying to...