请问以下我在配置Lane detection 的数据集culane的demo中,当训练启动python main_landet.py --test --config=configs/lane_detection/bezierlanenet/resnet34_culane_aug1b.py --checkpoint=resnet34_bezierlanenet_culane_aug1b_20211109.pt 遇到问题 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 with CUDA capability sm_86 is not compatible with the current PyTorch installation. The current PyTorch install supports CUDA...
May I ask how to input the default config file correctly during the Lane detection training process? My input is python main_ Landet. py -- train -- config=/home/cxf/phytorch auto drive/configurations/lane_...
hello,When I use rosrun ndt_ omp align 251370668.pcd 251371071. pcd The error is as follows: My system is 18.04, my PCL is 1.8.1, and my VTK is 7.1.1. May I...
Hello! Is the sonar data set collected by the oculus function pack under Ubuntu 20.04? Have you tested m1200d running collection? I used m1200d in ubuntu18.04 and 20.04 to run...
Hello, the model I use is m1200d. When I use sonar_oculus.launch, I can connect, but run to sonar.cpp262 line of code if (nbeams > 0 && nbins > 0 &&...
/home/cxf/CLionProjects/CFAR/ca_cfar.cpp:8: multiple definition of `CA_CFAR::getEdgeOffset(int, int, int)'; CMakeFiles/ca_cfar.dir/main.cpp.o:/home/cxf/CLionProjects/CFAR/ca_cfar.cpp:8: first defined here /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/ca_cfar.dir/ca_cfar.cpp.o: in function `std::vector::vector(std::initializer_list, std::allocator const&)': /home/cxf/CLionProjects/CFAR/ca_cfar.cpp:22: multiple definition of `CA_CFAR::get_block_sum(cv::Mat&, int, int, int)'; CMakeFiles/ca_cfar.dir/main.cpp.o:/home/cxf/CLionProjects/CFAR/ca_cfar.cpp:22: first defined here...
May I ask what version of g2o is used here? When I compile, g2o reports the following error /home/cxf/code/mast_project/src/core/SFMgraph.cpp:40:58: error: no matching function for call to ‘g2o::BlockSolver::BlockSolver(LinearSolver*&)’ 40 | BlockSolver*...
Hello, I would like to ask how to start the downloaded dataset according to your homepage introduction, sub_ multiecho_ How to set laserscan topics? The following are my current settings...