
Results 4 issues of CGL5230

利用“[Item] collect annotations by color-typeB”生成模板笔记时,无法识别annotation的颜色。但是typeA可以识别。这个是我设置错了还是? 图1是annotation标注的颜色,四个颜色都有: ![image]( 接下来是typeB的插入模板笔记,可以看到,并没有实现typeB该有的效果: ![image]( 接下来是typeA的模板,这个就可以识别: ![image](


Hi! Recently I've been using Demeter to downscale land use data from AR6. the AR6 output does not have the same area as the AEZ area set by default by...

Hi! I am a newbie to Demeter. I've read the code for Demeter and I'm guessing that I just need to add the new limiting factor .CSV file **without adding...

Hi!The current Demeter contains **only two limiting factors**, Soil workability and nutrient availability (this is a CSV table in the constrain folder?). **I would like to set another limiting factor**....