Christine Ellenvia
Christine Ellenvia
``` package/Makefile:66: recipe for target 'package/install' failed ``` 这一行是 : ``` - find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type d | $(XARGS) chmod 0755 ``` 试着在你终端里面执行以下 ``` xargs -h ``` 看看输出?
> WARNING: Image file /home/smith/mt7915/immortalwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt7621/xiaomi_mi-router-cr6609-kernel.bin is too big: 4202772 > 4194304 Image is too big, do you add some extra ipk?
> > > WARNING: Image file /home/smith/mt7915/immortalwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt7621/xiaomi_mi-router-cr6609-kernel.bin is too big: 4202772 > 4194304 > > > > > > Image is too big, do you add some extra ipk? >...
> > > WARNING: Image file /home/smith/mt7915/immortalwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt7621/xiaomi_mi-router-cr6609-kernel.bin is too big: 4202772 > 4194304 > > > > > > Image is too big, do you add some extra ipk? >...
hmm... i cant attach the file due to the file type limit... but thats not right. i packed it into a zip archive [guide for update to E5-26xx v2 series...