CDR API Stream
CDR API Stream
# Description New versions of Get Generic Plan Detail (v3) and Get Energy Account Detail (v4) APIs were introduced in v1.30.0 based on changes that were consulted in MI 18....
This change request has been created to simplify the raising of minor changes, such as text corrections or description clarifications, that are not really material to the standards but do...
# Description This issue has been raised to track the progress of an [item raised in Maintenance Iteration 18]( which was unresolved on conclusion of the consultation period. The details...
# Description Currently this support article states that the statements in the standards regarding mandatory token introspection claims do not override the normative standard: The standards statements, however, if...
# Description During the May consultation the submission from FinTech Australia identified a series of data gaps that they have requested be added to the standards. A decision by the...
# Description The Fortian security review recommended that detached signatures be included in the information security profile to provide recipient certainty of the data provided. The DSB agreed to investigate...
This issue has been raised to track [CDR Register issue 188]( through the standards maintenance process. Please refer to [CDR Register issue 188 ]( details
# Description Rates and fees in Energy data may or may not have GST included. Following feedback provides the list of which rates are GST inclusive or excluse: The...
# Description [RFC8174 - Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words]( provides an update to normative reference [RFC 2119 - Key words for use in RFCs to...
# Description Issue #427 discusses the implementation challenges regarding Sponsored accreditation. This change request has been created to separate out the CX discussion on sponsored accreditation and the requirements/priority for...