Closes #338 This pull request changes starting unit placement distance to be the same as Red Alert 2. As seen in the linked issue, the starting unit placement in Tiberian...
Closes #231 This pull request fixes a bug where a task force with `TransportsReturnOnUnload=yes` would not return to the home _(starting, loading)_ cell when it has finished unloading. This fix...
Closes #366 This pull request fixes a bug where infantry does not use the `Guard` sequence when issued with the Area Guard mission. After discussions with @Bittah, it was advised...
Closes #168 This pull request implements four new quality of life keyboard commands; **"Reproduce Last Building"** Reproduces the last structure that was built. Defaults to **Ctrl+Z**. **"Reproduce Last Infantry"** Reproduces...
Closes #158 This pull request introduces a new trigger action to give or take _(use negative number)_ credits to a specific house. To use this, please add the following information...
Closes #256 This pull request allows the saving of randomly generated maps with the .MAP extension. From the Random Map dialog, previewing the map from the selected settings and pressing...
Closes #531 This pull request implements various features for naval factory and unit support. **NOTE:** Until a VesselClass is fully implemented, The following keys will act as a separation between...
Closes #770 This pull request fixes a bug where cargo toted by an aircraft _(such as the **Carryall**)_ is always unloaded facing north, ignoring the current facing of the aircraft.
Closes #721 This pull request fixes various bugs and related items with `NaturalParticleSystem`. - Fixes a bug where the Z coordinate of `NaturalParticleLocation` was not considered when spawning `NaturalParticleSystem`. ---...
Closes #595 This pull request implements `CanApproachTarget` and `CanRecalcApproachTarget` for TechnoTypes, and `ApproachTargetResetMultiplier` for the rules `[General]` section from Red Alert 2. **`[TechnoType]`** **`CanApproachTarget=`** _Can this unit can continually move...