**Feature request** I'd want a way to define the size of arrays. I propose the following: ```Lua ---@type string[3] local arr = {} ```
The table argument is actually called settings in the [LOVE wiki](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newImage).
Fixes #1514. The documentation might need a rebuild. Currently, I don't have the setup to do that 😄
### How are you using the lua-language-server? Visual Studio Code Extension (sumneko.lua) ### Which OS are you using? Windows ### What is the issue affecting? Completion ### Expected Behaviour As...
### Introduction As it's widely known that getting luarocks to work on Windows is a nightmare. Here I am sharing my experience of installing busted using luarocks on my Windows...
Fixes a typo reported in #47.
Hello! While trying to build the project on Windows 10, I followed the instructions provided at: https://github.com/SFTtech/openage/blob/master/doc/build_instructions/windows_msvc.md#procedure-for-microsoft-windows-users. I managed to get all the needed dependencies, I got to the following...
Fixes ipairs used instead of pairs to iterate over a dictionary style table inside tooltipsCompleteInterop.lua
While trying to run the game on Windows 10, with this command: ``` python -m openage --add-dll-search-path C:\Users\Vlasnik\openage\build\libopenage\RelWithDebInfo --add-dll-search-path C:\Users\Vlasnik\nyan\build\nyan\RelWithDebInfo --add-dll-search-path C:\Users\Vlasnik\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311 game --modpacks aoe2_base ``` It errors out with:...