> > Bear in mind that in LuaCATS annotations (the ones used by this language server), the `|` character means union of types, not boolean OR operator. > > On...
> the to-be-close feature of Lua is very important for this project, luajit doesn't have this feature, so it can't be ported. The inexistence of this feature doesn't mean that...
Thinking more about this, port to LuaJIT sounds like a nuclear option. If we take a step back and think about what motivates us to do this: we want better...
Where is that, the VSCode repo?
@sumneko Have you opened an issue upstream?
Interesting, I can't reproduce this issue.
I also narrowed it down to that commit. Maybe @carsakiller can tell us why the `osdate` param type didn't work and needed to be duplicated as `osdateparam`?
Welcome! Translations are located here: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/locale ~~https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/doc~~ Edit: I incorporated Sumneko's insight.
IMHO, the core issue here is that the Lua language server currently doesn't infer types after indexing arrays (and maybe hash tables?). The same problem was first reported in #1643...
@paxcut, why don't you open a PR with the proposed code changes?