Results 29 issues of C_Sto

`recursebuster -u 'https://cunnnnnntttttt' -vhost 'cunnnnnntttttt' -proxy -ua 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3754.0 Safari/537.36' -sitemap -nohead -badheader 'Content-Length: 503' -k -t 5 -w...


When you encounter a panic with the fancy UI up, the error details are swallowed by the terminal resetting. It also totally breaks the terminal afterwards, which is really cool....

as per title, would be nice to be able to provide a case sensitive wordlist that intelligently removes duplicates based on previous responses (or maybe a test upfront on the...


input list is kind of out of order apparently, either add the ability to enforce ordering and take a performance hit, or just explicitly say 'lol this will be out...

like it says in title, don't do recursion/dir bruting on dotted paths. Probably an opt-out or in option I guess... (suggested by @l0ss)

Currently it works best if you `sort -u busted.txt > sorted.txt` to view the rough sitemap discovered. Ideally I'd like to write it sorted to avoid this step....


As per #15 - Would be good to store 'good' for errors in the cases where malformed responses are received


Found a server that responds with a strange header, seems to cause Golang's net/http lib to be unhappy. Sample response header: ``` HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Content-Length: 42 Content-Type:...


# The Issue Arbitrary file upload vulnerability allowing any user who can upload patient documents the ability to run arbitrary system commands on the host machine. As with the user...

Web Security

/giphy it works on my machine Image is about 800mb, if this is an issue it can probably be cut down by including compiled versions of inspectrum and liquid-dsp.