Results 24 comments of C_Sto

I did not make any headway - sorry. I suspect given the issue was so long ago that the code has changed considerably since then...

Hi, No, 32 bits is not currently supported. It requires a custom go asm file to be written, which is unpleasant. It should be easy to do, but I haven't...

Yes, you will need to create a 386 compliant version of the asm found in the .s file

I actually toyed with the idea of this a little while ago - however I came to the conclusion that picking a specific hashing algorithm would be a little too...

Looks good - I'll try and find some time to test it, but given the example I think it should be all fine :)

after a quick look at the data model, this might require a substantial change: ``` CREATE TABLE `Hash` ( `hashId` INT(11) NOT NULL, `hashlistId` INT(11) NOT NULL, `hash` TEXT NOT...

another minor update - I have worked around it with a mutilated local version. The changes are summarised as - rather than update the hash in the hashlist when a...

I might take a swing at it if I find time - the usecase is so niche that I'm not sure many others will find it useful. The version I...

Sure - I initially left it out because I didn't have a lot of use for it and it would slow things down, but if I remember correctly it wouldn't...

FYI, it's in on this branch - I'll merge in once I've tidied it up a bit, and made sure it doesn't slow things down too much