Christian Kasim Loan
Christian Kasim Loan
Tested the same on Linux, it's working there Using 4.19.69-1-MANJARO
@vankov should be fixed here, please take a look
Hi @desis123 currently, there is no support yet for custom models for the NLP server, but it's on the roadmap and should be available in 1-2 releases, ~ 1 month
HI @falconair , thank you for the suggestion, we will be adding such a description page. In a nutshell, you could say the relationship between NLU and Spark NLP is...
HI @kormoczi you can call `nlu.load('any model' , gpu=True)` , which will enable GPU mode for NLU. Make sure you enable the gpu mode in the very first call to...
Thank you for sharing, taking a closer look
HI @kormoczi can you share which specific python code you ran to cause this issue?
Hi @kormoczi, can you share what CUDA version you are running? You should have Cuda 11.2 I just tested on google colab, it works fine (if you click runtime...
@kormoczi my bad, what @maziyarpanahi suggested is correct. The current version of NLU is based on Spark NLP 3.X, which means you need either `CUDA 10.1` or `cuDNN 7.x` This...
Hi @kormoczi sorry for the late reply. Could you test a couple of other Tensorflow based models and see if this error occurs? i.e. try please `nlu.load('bert', gpu=True)` `nlu.load('elmo', gpu=True)`...