Hi Alexander, Sorry for the slow reply I have been on holidays! Thanks very much for your response. Unfortunately I have been having trouble compiling the latest code and was...
Hi Alexander, I have mange to get the latest code to run however it seems to doing something with the images that is not ideal. The images are coming over...
Hi Alexander, Thanks for the late night response again. Here is an extract from the issue via the API: "customfield_10007": { "self": "https://xxxxxxxxxxx/jira/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10242", "value": "Ikon Science", "id": "10242", "child": {...
Hi Alexander, I have taken the latest build 3.0.15 but it doesn't seem to be importing the issues to Azure correctly. I am getting the following error message: [System.AggregateException] System.AggregateException:...
Thanks Alexander.
Hi Alexander, We have some progress here. The image in the Description field is now displaying however the image in the Fixed Description field is still not displaying. For the...
> @C-F-Palmer What is "Fixed Description"? A custom text field? > > If so, we have not implemented any url mapping for any other fields than Description and System.History (comments),...
Thanks Alexander for your help with this.
Hi Alexander, There is nothing obvious in the history audit trail that suggest that the attachments were added or re-added in a peculiar way. There are 76 attachments in the...
> @C-F-Palmer reported issue separately in #952 > > Have you noticed anything particular in the issue itself in Jira? If you check the history of the concerned issue, does...