
Results 16 comments of Bytestorm

This is amazing

The idea with the whole Compinterpreter is to do things in the most convoluted way possible- I want to have it interpret some parts of the code and transpile other...

thanks, so far it hasn't been too crazy, though now that I'm getting to parsing it's gonna be interesting. Is it okay if I make a video on the whole...

Just had a horrible idea inspired by #76 - we store `const const const` variables in a cloud database, making DreamBerd the first Always-Online Singleplayer language

💀 Come to think of it tho someone could probably turn that into an attack vector, maybe injecting code from the cloud into people's computer isn't a good idea lol

Yeah moderation should work- maybe limit it to primitive types as well to prevent any chicanery in terms of infiltrating whatever platform is used to moderate them

Alright so I did some thinking on what needs to happen at a high level because I've kinda hit the limit of "don't think just code," so here's how I... Saving this here for later when figuring out the `when` control flow I have decided we are going to have localization for compiler errors, but only for the different dialects of english to achieve true i18n

Yeah I had a similar idea in mind- I don't think we're quite at the point of setting up JS since the parser still needs work, but I can add...