
Results 13 issues of ByteDrummer

Right now when I use the key mappings to open a split or vsplit, the new buffer is always split relative to the leftmost buffer. Is it possible to open...


It doesn't matter which adapter I'm trying to install, nvim crashes with the following error: ``` :DIInstall jsnode Do you want to install the debugger 'jsnode'? [Y]es, (C)ancel: nvim: /home/runner/work/neovim/neovim/src/nvim/ui_compositor.c:551:...

I wonder if we could have a command for synchronous installation of multiple adapters similar to `TSInstallSync` for nvim-treesitter and `CocInstall -sync` for coc.nvim. This would help automate installations.

#### environment - vim: nvim 0.4.4 - vim-airline: latest - OS: Pop!_OS - Have you reproduced with a minimal vimrc: N/A - What is your airline configuration: ```let g:airline_powerline_fonts =...

The horizontal split seems to go into the file tree by changing the vertical split's colors. How would I go about fixing this? See the screenshot below:

I have a Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, and the pen button, which should act as a right click, doesn't seem to work. I saw on #66 that this is still...

With the original script, the left side of the models I've been converting comes out really dark. So far, in `set_camera()`. I've just been making it so the light source...

I'm trying to change `NvimTreeVertSplit` with the below config but it doesn't seem to do anything. Modifying `WinSeparator` does work but this isn't ideal. ``` require('onedark').setup { highlights = {...

The VertSplit highlight group also changes horizontal split colors. Is this intentional? I'd like only to modify the vertical split.

For testing purposes, I'm relying on the following postscript for the `common` profile symlinked to `default` which executes after logging in and resuming from suspend: ``` #!/bin/bash echo "running postscript"...