Byron Sargeant
Byron Sargeant
Looking for solution to this too! .fullCalendar( ‘refresh’ ); .fullCalendar( ‘refetchEvents’ ); .fullCalendar( ‘rerenderEvents’ ); But the calendar ID is dynamically generated and is different each time the page loads...
or maybe a class can be set in the setOptions() and that could be targeted??
Hi @MoPHL Did you manage to solve this issue? Byron
.fullCalendar( ‘refresh’ ); .fullCalendar( ‘refetchEvents’ ); .fullCalendar( ‘rerenderEvents’ ); But the calendar ID is dynamically generated and is different each time the page loads it seems so will figure out...
or maybe a class can be set in the setOptions() and that could be targeted??
> @fizxmike your solution partially worked for me, instead of the item name showing it was showing the entire object. > > My workaround was as follows: > > ```...
This is a big issue for me, following designs showing image is small so out put is that set size. When image is saved on server and used for its...