Results 748 comments of Sebastian Thiel

Indeed, I meant to reply to @ianwestcott, thanks for pointing it out 🥇 !

Somehow I vaguely remember that a PR landed to fix this kind of issue. Maybe it's worth trying again with the latest release v2.1.11 .

Thanks for the detailed information, as well as a workaround. I remember that there was a lot of time spent working around not having deterministic destruction of objects, without ever...

Thanks for letting us know, and sorry to hear you are running into this! This seems related to another issue (which I can't find it seems) which has similar problems....

Thanks for pointing it out! We would be grateful for a PR that adds the parts that you would have wanted to see.

Thanks for letting us know! `name_to_object` is used internally, and seeing the very specific error message, this case is anticipated. I wonder if it works if `name_to_object` is avoided, and...

I see, so it does appear this bug is inherent all of GitPython, unless of course the code-path GitPython takes right after calling `rev_parse` applies a similar fix. For the...

It looks like by now GitPython is falling apart :D! The `GitDb` implementation is written in pure-python, but wasn't adjusted in a long time. Probably by now it simply doesn't...

For the fun of it, I have created a small program which for now only effectively counts commits: . It now uses the odb for iteration, and seems to...

Could you provide a script that makes this issue reproducible? Otherwise I am afraid there is no way to fix it. Thank you.