Gabriel Abud

Results 19 comments of Gabriel Abud

Can we take out the extra changes and dependencies and just stick to the Typescript upgrade? I will approve with just that, I'd rather not add extra dependencies to the...

This is a lot of changes for a pull request. Can you open a discussion first and link to it? Some of these seem like good ideas but I'd rather...

Mind submitting a PR with the latest react version?

> Another thing that puzzles me is `get_test_db_url()` in ``. To me it looks like it points to a dbname that doesn't exist? But maybe that's not a problem with...

> Hey, > > I've been working on a smallish API using this project and ran into an interesting thing with the celery worker. As of right now, the docker-compose...

Thanks, if you want to take a stab at it that would be great! For the signup page, you can probably just reuse the login page with a few changes....

I'd rather the wait for it script be copied into the scripts directory than maintaining it as a submodule personally. That script is made to be copy+pasted anyway.

I don't think this is really an issue but if you want to make it clearer that you have to edit `BACKEND_URL` on non-localhost, go for it. It will be...

I would prefer having this as a cookiecutter setting, so like `{{cookiecutter.localhost}}:{{cookiecutter.port}}` and then update the README