Shawn Garner
Shawn Garner
@poslegm for the build.sbt it is: ``` val myCompanyReleases ="MyCompany Artifactory Releases" at "" val myCompanyRepositorySettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( resolvers := Seq(myCompanyReleases), externalResolvers ++= resolvers.value ) ```
@poslegm then in the plugins.sbt it is: ``` resolvers += "My Company Artifactory Lib Releases".at( "" ) ```
@poslegm from it is `sbt.version=1.3.13`
@poslegm we set them in `~/.ivy2/.credentials` and we add `credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")` to `~/.sbt/1.0/global.sbt`
@poslegm we also set an environment variable: `SBT_CREDENTIALS="$HOME/.ivy2/.credentials"`
@ceedubs ok I'll review this and give it a shot and see if it resolves the issue. It may be a bit before I get back to you but I'll...
@ceedubs adding COURSIER_CREDENTIALS and COURSIER_REPOSITORIES did not help. still seeing the unauthorized downloading the artifacts from artifactory. We did find a work around is to add `maven-central` to our repositories...
Not sure if this is what you mean but we'd want to know the field name which is different and probably the nested classes. ```scala case class Customer(address: Address) case...
Same thing here. I'm on Windows 7 64, with JDK 1.7.0_09 Pretty bad experience for Windows users. This is a shame because the intro to Scala should be as painless...
@raulraja was just wondering the status of this? Was working in IntelliJ and can't even see the Client generated by the macro at all so this would be extremely.