There is a race condition before the variables are made where the update function runs before the rest of the code is initialized. First, yes, here is proof of the...
ray.world_normal.y > .7 would prevent real slopes from being considered slopes because it would check if the normal was straight other than a curved slope.
This'll run generate_normals() and when generating normals in _blender_scene_to_ursina.py if smooth_normals == True, If it isn't true, then the original algorithm will be used, That's the default behavior in order...
In ursina, the definitions that come after calling super().__init__() may cause the update() function to be called before the definitions are actually set, the disabled-enabled switch makes sure the update...
When defining a btDynamicsWorld in an OpenGL program, it aborts and prints `malloc(): invalid size (unsorted)` These are the relevant lines of code: ``` btCollisionConfiguration *BULLET_COLLISION_CONFIG = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); btCollisionDispatcher...
Songs that are explicit are marked in youtube music's website, they should also be marked in the client as the censored versions sound objectively worse, I always mix them up...