
Results 16 issues of Bugspiderlee

iam having this error not enough arguments for format string python3 crowbar.py -b rdp -s -u localuser -C /user/share/nmap/nselib/data/passwords.list

Can we make this tool take multiple urls at a time and aso suport post method switching and scan paths wothout parameters like for example example.com/archive/../../../../../etc/passwd like some lfi vulns...

dose this tool only work wit java 7 and is there anywere this can be setup and running in a distro like kali linux without java problems which might conflict...

iam running amass in an ubuntu vps and its freezing without output executing amass command and amass help options is working fine but pointing to a target it just stuck...

hie how i you thanks for the tool .was wondering if puredns have a flag to bruteforce multiple domains like lets sya puredns -dL for a domain list thanks

trying to install on golang latest iam getting argument must be a clean package path

xmri -B --background is not working in my windos pc is there any alternative of running xmrig in windows background without poping any cmd

Can we make this take multiple urlz and use all this cool scanning methods and also can we make it scan non parameter paths like to be able to scan...

iam getting the following error go install github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo/apishodan@latest go: github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo/apishodan@latest: github.com/incogbyte/[email protected]: parsing go.mod: module declares its path as: shosubgo but was required as: github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo is there any were around that...

hie is there anyway to obtain clear output on subdomain enumeration like a -silent option