Results 19 issues of Bugsbane

At the moment MaterialFBook is fabulous for reading and posting to the timeline, as well as reading and replying to messages. What's really missing though is the ability to read...

A number of webhosts provide DNS services through projects like FreeDNS. It would be great if it was possible to use Lexicon to modify records on these FreeDNS instances without...

The project bills itself as private and resilient, yet hosts and issuetracks on GitHub, which is neither. Suggestion: move to privately hosted GIT repo or at least Codeburg.

usually subtasks are the parts that make up a larger task. Accordingly, it makes sense to not always show both, to avoid cluttering up the task list view with redundant...


Most times when I try to delete images, Leafpic asks for permission to read and write the storage card by choosing the storage card root again, even if I've granted...


Hi there, While I appreciate the ability to have a video from an RSS attachment playing in a small thumbnail while I read my other items, sometimes I would actually...

🐞 bug

Often when I'm playing a video in the app, I end up wanting to close it (especially when it's finished playing), but there doesn't seem to be any easy, obvious...


I mainly use ownCloud as a place to store and share photos and videos. I like to use high quality compression settings, meaning my phone uses it's storage space quickly....

Contributions are welcome

Sorry if this is blindingly obvious / done / impractical, but... the first article I read about this project was saying how the projects biggest challenge was finding sources of...

REPRODUCIBILITY: Always STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Create a task with no due date 2. Change "Hide until" to "Due date" 3. Save task EXPECTED: Tasks are hidden until they have...