> > mongodb(the binary version): 5.8.0 > > from what i can tell, no such version exists, nearest valid versions would be: 5.0.x, 6.0.x(rc) also from what i can tell...
I'll reset my node_modules. I'll try without nodemon. Stand by...
Ok! Good news. ```js code MongoMS:MongoInstance Mongo[49667]: start: Starting Processes +277ms MongoMS:MongoInstance Mongo[49667]: _launchMongod: Launching Mongod Process +0ms MongoMS:MongoInstance Mongo[49667]: prepareCommandArgs +0ms MongoMS:MongoInstance Mongo[49667]: prepareCommandArgs: final argument array:["--port","49667","--dbpath","/var/folders/cs/wq9ybm2956x6vjjl2rhk_9jr0000gn/T/mongo-mem--2455-KUCr5IBXMxPf","--storageEngine","ephemeralForTest","--bind_ip","","--noauth"] +0ms MongoMS:MongoInstance...
> guessing from the symptoms, something seems to be terminating your promises / execution way to early and / or not logging any errors, if they occur I am going...
```js code const instance = yield MongoInstance_1.MongoInstance.create(mongodOptions); ``` Failing here line 223, in MongoMemoryServer.js. I am doing deeper trace, however... mongodOptions json at this stage: ```js code { "instance": {...
Still going through the trace... Just wanted to give an update.
Back again. So your system never sent any errors. It does return the "object", so I am wording in my code if there is an issue waiting for it to...
This is an intel. When I meant object, from your code at the "create" function, it does get to the line of "returning" the MongoMemory object back to who called...
Yeah. I am not using TS in my project. It's fully CommonJS. Using Fustily as the framework, which does support TS, but this first pass of my code I am...
I got something finally! The process did start. In a "debugger" mode with JetBrains IDE, the mongo spawn process was not being "killed" correctly. I am of course using debugger...