Jasm Sison

Results 13 issues of Jasm Sison

I was reading the [release notes for dart 2.12](https://medium.com/dartlang/announcing-dart-2-12-499a6e689c87), and I noticed objectbox got an honorable mention, wrt ffi usage! Good job people! From the article, we can expect better...


[I complained about it here](https://github.com/xtext/xtext-gradle-plugin/issues/99)

Hi, I was thinking about our `@AndroidJsonized` annotation and how to reuse the effort to generate the same thing (JSON models) for iOS/swift. Short of building a whole transpiler for...

(Repost of issue #81) Heya, Here's an idea to improve the visibility of Xtendroid: We should setup a github page for xtendroid. Just some static pages demonstrating the power of...

Hi, I'm gonna work on [data-binding](http://developer.android.com/tools/data-binding/guide.html).

``` bash ./Xtendroid/src//org/xtendroid/annotations/AndroidDialogFragment.xtend:33: if (!clazz.declaredConstructors.exists[ctor|ctor.parameters.empty]) { ./Xtendroid/src//org/xtendroid/annotations/AndroidFragment.xtend:43: if (!clazz.declaredConstructors.exists[ctor|ctor.parameters.empty]) { ./Xtendroid/src//org/xtendroid/db/AndroidDatabase.xtend:52: clazz.declaredConstructors.forEach[c| ./Xtendroid/src//org/xtendroid/parcel/ParcelableProperty.xtend:282:// clazz.declaredConstructors.forEach[ /*body === null &&*/ clazz.addWarning(String.format('%s: %b', simpleName, parameters.empty)) ] // debug ./Xtendroid/src//org/xtendroid/parcel/ParcelableProperty.xtend:283: val isEmptyCtorProvidedByUser = clazz.declaredConstructors.exists[...

I had to outcomment the compilation tests I wrote a while ago, to attack issue #104. These should be properly unit tested (mocha?).


As I coded it, I did not leverage the existing methods for getting strings from resources. Activity#getString Fragment#getString So we have some code duplication with the basic SDK. The active...


A field should be generated on the custom ViewGroup, Fragment and Activity according to the `@+id/name` provided in the layout/viewgroup.xml, also custom Views and ViewGroups. Right now it only works...