Déric Dallaire
Déric Dallaire
Hi, I would like to create a custom closed caption rendering plugin which works with hls streams. To do so, hls.js offers a property called renderTextTracksNatively which disables native rendering...
With the given VOD https://senvuvod.azureedge.net/pvvodsoc-fl/_definst_/mp4:azrsoc/archives/PV750/2020/2020-06-25/9637_Senate%20sitting%20no.%2027_13-30-41_VL.mp4/playlist.m3u8?audioindex=2 HLSJS.Events.SUBTITLE_TRACK_LOADED is never triggered HLSJS.Events.SUBTITLE_TRACKS_UPDATED gets triggered Therefore the closed captions are never loaded. I tried removing `this._playbackType === Playback.LIVE` from the following code ```...
The `string.js` plugin is missing labels used for accessibility. For example, I would like to be able to dynamically change the aria-label of the fullscreen button based on the current...