Brendan Sting
Brendan Sting
Hello, I was wondering if this lidar-camera calibration process I got working can be used on ROS Melodic (aka, Ubuntu 18.04)? If it can be used on ROS melodic, is...
I was wondering if there is a way to use the X Y Z translations and the RPY angles from (maybe) the extrinsics.npz to show a graph of aligned points...
I am currently trying to get a matrix corresponding to the RGB image but with one channel for every Lidar property. The process is called projection from point clouds to...
Hello Heethesh, I created a new bag file with the same name as my old bag file(though I deleted my old bag file) and now the lidar and camera calibration...
So I have a bag file in my workspace folder named calinput.bag. When I run the command, roslaunch lidar_camera_calibration play_rosbag.launch bagfile:=calinput.bag in my Ubuntu 16.04 terminal, it initially lags behind...
rosrun lidar_camera_calibration --calibrate command not working with ENTER
When I run the command, rosrun lidar_camera_calibration --calibrate, the ENTER key seems to not work when I wish to pause the rosbag record and plot points. I have to...
Upon using the original shader on one of my JSON object models, a simple ceiling light whose geometry requires both sides of its faces to be shaded, the result was...