**Marching cubes** I don't have the knowledge for this right now either, but with time I'm pretty sure I could crack it. But this would definitely require gdnative implementation, so...
I totally agree with you about heightmap tools. Non-destructive parametric editing all the way! :) **Flatten, Erode, Smooth, etc** My recent work in Godot has been about generating infinite terrain...
### Multi-threading Um, this might not be higher priority than some of the other features right now!? But it would definitely make the editor more responsive and less likely to...
**Class wrapper with surfaces and transform?** I just tested this, and it doesn't seem to add an impact. So yeah a `ConceptGraphMesh` class? **Heightmaps separate** Ok, yeah that makes sense....
**HeightMapShape** Oh ok, yes I use this in my infinite terrain project. It's not so much about heightmap vs mesh, it's just a question of whether you have a uniform...
I was just thinking a property on the new `ConceptGraphMesh` could work, but yeah checks would have to be added to every Mesh node that can modify x/z. And yeah...
Oh ok, but just note... I've done quite a bit of work around terrain generation in recent months, so I have bits of pretty optimised code for this stuff already....
**Awesome, thanks for setting that up.** So yeah, writing into a PoolXArray property on an object is very slow. This is because they're only passed by reference when reading, but...
My top priority will be adding `from_image()` and `to_image()` methods to the heightmap class, as I have decent code for doing this already. _Feel free to suggest different function names._...
That flatten area node is very cool, and I can see where it's leading. **As for needing to move properties into the Heightmap class?** I've been working on this the...