
Results 27 comments of ignormies

Oops forgot to update GitHub workflows. Don't review yet

> it could return `List[DeviceProvider, str]` `typing.List` only supports homogeneous types (i.e. takes only one argument). Perhaps you meant `Dict[DeviceProvider, str]`? But this would limit you to only two devices,...

My vote is for the dataclass :+1:. Could (should?) `get_all_devices` return `Set[DeviceType]`? (you'd have to mark `DeviceType` as `frozen` so it can be hashed). Does the order matter?

My "workaround" has been to just manually switch to a TTY and rerun the script whenever I switch setups, which is luckily only ~once/week. Very excited for the rewrite :+1:....

I'm still using `egpu-switcher` but I'm only using one eGPU now so I don't encounter this problem anymore.

> I think that if the description is gathered from `__doc__` as a _fallback_ I disagree. You wouldn't want to potentially leak implementation details because you were unaware of a...

> So since it seems like a lot of people use the docstring for implementation details, maybe I am using the docstring in an unconventional way. In other words, the...

> I think docstrings should be used as some sort of public documentation for classes, functions and modules, so ideally they'd work well for a GraphQL description. I guess it...

> [I] don't like using classes as decorators (mostly because it looks odd) > maybe we can do what asgi ref does with sync_to_async This is also something the Python...