as AES.s -o AES.O AES.s: Assembler messages: AES.s:16: Error: bad instruction `callq read' AES.s:17: Error: bad instruction `movaps %xmm0,%xmm5' AES.s:18: Error: bad instruction `pxor %xmm2,%xmm2' AES.s:19: Error: bad instruction `aeskeygenassist...
This is on a ParrotOS image and refuses to build with these error messages. Creating project: /home/user/SecGen/projects/SecGen20180729_0101... Creating Puppet modules librarian-puppet file: /home/user/SecGen/projects/SecGen20180729_0101/puppet/escalation/Puppetfile Preparing puppet modules using librarian-puppet Loading librarian-puppet...
I start up my computer and run responder than this comes up [!] Error starting UDP server on port 5355, check permissions or other servers running. [!] Error starting UDP...
This error occurs when I try to start the The fake wifi does not showup and it also states: Failed to set beacon parameters. Also on the full-nat, it...