
Results 5 issues of Brovning

Hello, first a big thank you for your scripts! It was very easy to make the Pi-hole running as DNS in my network. Unfortunately every request is listed with the...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Ich habe das Problem, glaube das wurde hier schonmal thematisiert, das ich vorallem nach Sonnenuntergang viele Variablen keinen Wert mehr...

feature request

An additional feature request: please don't change the Interval when you do an update. Some I have changed and the program changes them back to 60000 miliseconds. Please respect the...

feature request

VA-Apparent Power, VAr-Reactive Power, PF-Power Factor, all 3 are reporting the same value: ‘NaN/INF values are not supported’. I assume they are not supported with the Fronius Primo on one...


When I installed the smartmeter an extra I/O instance was created that is not needed. The second gateway can use the same FroniusClientSocket (the I/O instance). So only one FroniusClientSocket...
